One of the things that the consumers may not really contemplate, but do expect, is that their auto insurance will cover the cost of a replacement car when their automobile is being replaced. Many auto insurance policies actually do not provide for this automatically. If you are at all dependent upon your car, it is vital that you make sure that this type of coverage is included. Rental cars are not cheap!
How do you tell if you have this kind of auto insurance coverage for automobile or RV? First, you need to look at your car insurance policy. The language you are looking for refers to something called "loss of use." What is loss of use coverage? As the name suggests, loss of use coverage refers to the expenses for transportation while your automobile is in being repaired or replaced. In more practical terms, this simply means that you have coverage for a rental car. Indeed, many people including those in the auto insurance business refer to this clause of the car rental coverage clause.
Buying loss of use auto insurance
Buying loss of use auto insurance with the car policy is definitely something you want to do. The idea of buying more car insurance coverages and auto insurance quotes probably is one of the least favorite things for most people. That being said, going for days without your car is far worse. Most of us drive to work and home. Most of us need our cars just to get around to find basic things like food. You really don't realize how dependent you are on a car until you don't have it. If you don't believe me, try a simple little test. Lend your car to a friend one morning and tell them not to bring it back till the end of the day. I guarantee that you'll be going batty by noon!
Loss of use automobile insurance is simply worth its weight in gold. It may not seem like it now, but it will when you suddenly need to get around and your car is in the shop. Paying for a turist car for tour or tourism with your own money for more than a few days is an extremely expensive proposition. Paying 10 to 20 bucks a year extra on your car insurance to get loss of use coverage is definitely a better deal. Do it!
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