Getting insurance for you vehicle is an important step towards the well being of you and your family and must not be considered a liability. It is, in fact, undeniably an asset. California auto insurance schemes cover unfortunate incidents such as car thefts, accidents and legal liabilities. You may be driving very very carefully, or following traffic rules religiously, but there is always a chance that maybe someone else is not being as careful as you.
In case, God forbid, your vehicle is involved in such a case, it may not take your life, but an accident can create a deep dent in your life savings if you are not insured. Medical bills, garage repairs, legal advice etc. - having a California auto insurance will take care of all this for you and more, depending upon the terms of the insurance agreement documents.
For the people of the state of California who apply for auto insurance, it will come as a good news that the California state legal prescription for the insurance cover under the Bodily Injury Liability is set at a minimum limit of $ 15 000 per injured person. This limit can be stretched to a maximum limit of $ 30 000 per accident. The minimum limit advised for the cover under the Property Damage Liability Cover is $ 5 000. the s6ystem of basic coverage in the state of California, is therefore also commonly known as the 15/30/5 coverage. The state of California also recognizes The California Automobile Assigned Risk Plan which advises the maximum and minimum figures for the limits for the drivers in the state of California at $10 000/$20 000/ $ 3000 respectively.
The Uninsured/Under insured Motorist Bodily injury coverage is another insurance policy worth considering. This insures you against any bodily injury caused by any driver who is uninsured or under insured. This coverage is not required or mandatory by the state of California. Nevertheless, it is a good option.
By now it must have become very clear that the terms prescribed for cover in the state of California are more consumer friendly that those prescribed in many other states. However, there is more good news. The good news is that these terms can be further improvised. That is to say, that these terms are not fixed or limited. Many people wrongly believe, and to their own disadvantage, that the terms and limits of the insurance rates are fixed by the state.
This is not true. You can go ahead and search for the best deal that suits you and fits into your plan or preference. In this competitive field, many companies should be willing to offer you special schemes and options. Make sure that you do your research well.
The average California auto insurance, premium rates for the residents of California in the year 2009 is $ 1 705. Compare that with the average national annual insurance premium for car insurance, which stands at $ 1,766. The lower state rates should be encouragement enough to buy a policy.
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